Online platforms and other educational tools

Platforms used by the Ministry of Education of Malta

My Schools

Myschool is a single and secure platform that collates and displays all student information in one place.

Office 365

One tablet per child initiative

The ‘One Tablet Per Child’ (OTPC) scheme has been established to ensure that all children, whoever they are, wherever they come from, will be given a fair and equal opportunity to be closer to technology.
Every boy and girl in the 4th year of primary school, across all schools in Malta, will be given a LearnPad Workbook 10.1″ tablet as a learning tool that could help achieve a number of educational objectives.
Video created by Mr Jason Bugeja, Support Teacher (Digital Literacy).


Platforms by the European Commission

Open Source tools

Free Learning tools

Early Years

Exploring play and creativity in pre-schoolers’ use of apps

Digital Citizenship